Friday, January 28, 2011


Today on Kelly's Korner Show us your Life, the topic is adoption.  It's so hard to put everything I feel about adoption into one post.  As many of you know, adoption has changed my life and has made my dreams come true.  No, I'm not advertising something for Disneyworld...but it is true.  Being a mom is the one thing in my life that I am great at instinctively.  (I don't mean that pridefully or to boast that I think I am the greatest mom, I'm just saying it is who I was meant to be.  I hope that makes sense)  I always thought I would be a good mom, but I had to wait 35 years to find out what is was really about.  Sure, there are moments of 'un-greatness' in my journey through motherhood, but generally I feel wonderful and fulfilled at where I am in my journey with Molly.

(just a quick repost of a great picture of molly because you can't have a post about her and not be able to see her!) take you all back a bit for the full story:

For anyone new to my blog or who has questions about adoption or adoption as a single mom, please leave a comment and/or email me.  I'm always so happy to talk about adoption!  These are just links to some of the pages at the top of my blog for anyone who hasn't read through them before.  I don't feel the need to rewrite what has already been written and hopefully this will give you the information you may want.

"Our Journey"
"Journey to China"
"Timeline and Expenses"

This is a post about how to know if you are looking at "your child" or not

Every post about adoption

My first post about Molly

If you are reading on Facebook, Google Reader, or an RSS feed you may have to click to my actual blog to be able and access the links.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story, Amy! I definitely want to adopt once I'm older {I'm 20 now}, whether I'm married or single, so to read your story is encouragement for moving in that direction, particularly if I'm still single when God leads me to adopt. Side note - I love the way you've decorated your house! Simple and so classy.

Krista said...

I have been reading your blog posts for the last hour or so. Molly is beautiful, and your story has touched me so much. I'm almost 28 years old (in April) and I have wanted to be a mother for the last few years. I would love to be a wife first, but I've been praying a LOT lately that God will be enough for me if His plan is not for me to be a wife. And then one day I read something on a random blog about adopting as a single parent, and it's tugged at my heart ever since then. Your story has really inspired me to be prayerful about it because it's a very real possibility for me as I get a little older. Thank you, thank you -- and Molly is a beautiful little girl!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I'll be 33 in a few weeks and am really praying hard about adopting as a single mom. I plan to come back to your blog this evening and read all of your adoption stories. Thank you for sharing!

Denna said...

Amy, She is so pretty. She has gotten so big. They just grow up to fast.:(

LA said...

I adopted as a single mom as well. I felt whole the minute I held Grace in my arms. When my Grace was 18 months old, Mr. Right came along and we also have two homegrown children. We feel so blessed to have our 3 gifts from God. Molly sure is cutie!!

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